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AI Resume Builder

Your Dream Job Starts with a Perfect Resume

Build an ATS-friendly resume in minutes! Our resume builder analyzes your skills, pinpoints the missing keywords, and crafts impactful bullet points.

Build My Resume

HR-Approved Resume Templates for Experienced Professional

Choose from modern, professional resume templates that beats ATS and highlight your skills. Easily customize to stand out.

ATS-FriendlyDon't let the automated systems overlook your skills!
Easy to CustomizeChange fonts, colors and spacing to personalize it for you.
Variety of LayoutsChoose between double column, single column and multi page layouts.

Build Your Resume in 3 Steps

NxtJob makes it simple. Your standout resume is minutes away.
Choose your template

Find a template that showcases your experience perfectly.

Level up with AI

Get AI suggestions to make your resume clear and impactful.

Download & Apply

Export your resume and start landing those interviews!

Try Our Resume Builder